Meeting you where you are. Supporting where you want to go.

Taking the step to reach out for help, and make change in your life is commendable.

People benefit from therapy for many reasons. You may need someone to talk to, who will listen. Or a safe place to be known as you are without judgment. Perhaps you are suffering from a loss of some kind and want experienced help. My role is to provide both support and challenge as you gain awareness and embrace change. I provide an environment that helps you make new choices.

I work with individuals, couples and groups. My services can be expensed through insurance benefit plans.

Laura Hetherington, Registered Psychotherapist #001543


Meet Laura

Laura is invested in helping people become all they can be

Laura is a Registered Psychotherapist who helps people discover and express themselves more authentically. Through this supportive process of authentic alignment, her clients gain confidence and freedom to choose how they express in their daily lives.

She supports individuals, couples and group members to become aware of their own truth so they have a better chance of getting to ‘the’ truth with others in their lives. Her approach is Gestalt Therapy based, which is creative, refreshingly honest as well as supportive.

